
Falling Into Insignificant Lies And Living Through Falsities...Everything Is Chaotic And Delectable Distorted Imagery... "They tend to be suspicious, bristly, paranoid-type people with huge egos they push around like some elephantiasis victim with his distended testicles in a wheelbarrow terrified no doubt that some skulking ingrate of a clone student will sneak into his very brain and steal his genius work." ~WSB

zaterdag, januari 28, 2006

Bambi 2? The Horror...The Horror...

Disney movies used to be scary with moralistic messages meant to keep children living in fantasies where girls will find their prince charming and boys...I really never knew what they offered to boys. The really old ones always had beautiful, skinny women (who at some point were princesses) who fell into trouble and had a man save them. Very old fashioned ideals. The real world is so much different. Princess Dianna is a really good example of reality and not of some fantacy world.
So I'm attempting to heal my mental wounds. Life is going to be difficult and if I want to be happy, I need to change this Hell I live. I am so sick of being depressed, stressed, feeling lonely and lost. I will not allow myself to remain miserable. Today I felt horrible, resentful and very alone. I cleared my head with a walk and I did take a nap and now I feel less pain ridden. No one can say I'm not trying to get better. It is so difficult, but I'm putting my all into getting better.
Because I am talking about dancing with someone, I really wouldn't mind doing so. I have never actually slow danced with anyone, but I never really danced with boys unless it was in dance classes. Hell if anyone would take me out dancing, but I only know the polka, swing, some ballet (from watching ballets on television,so I can land without making a boom as well) and some lapdancing. I'm actually hoping to get myself some lapdance lessions soon. I think I would enjoy it. I used to do what I knew on my once companion and he seemed to really enjoy it. Sigh...