
Falling Into Insignificant Lies And Living Through Falsities...Everything Is Chaotic And Delectable Distorted Imagery... "They tend to be suspicious, bristly, paranoid-type people with huge egos they push around like some elephantiasis victim with his distended testicles in a wheelbarrow terrified no doubt that some skulking ingrate of a clone student will sneak into his very brain and steal his genius work." ~WSB

zondag, mei 02, 2010

The End of it All!

It could be due to the strange paranoid man I live with (adding to my paranoia), or the fact that I spent lastnight watching all three Resident Evil movies (I don't know if there are more and probably shouldn't find out)...in away, I kind of want a zombie "appocalypse." Probably because I'm bored and that would vanquish my money issues and anger problems. Who wouldn't love to beat in the face of the slow zombie version of someone who over-powered and assaulted you when they weren't a zombie? Saying that, it would have to mean that I didn't end up like a zombie. I also realized, I'm a weak, pathetic little shit who has only thrown a fist a couple times (and each time I was a super-human version of myself, AKA a psychotic episode or drunk and pissed off).
Of course, the Mr. I live with seems more excited to go on a killing of zombies rampage than actually being paranoid. He's trying to teach his wife and I how to use guns ("Come hunting with me. It would be good for you."), though we don't share his enthusiasm for killing gophers and coyotes. His wife will wait until there is a reason to kill something (danger or food...I would wait until I'm halucinating to kill for food, foolishly. I'll kill danger and if it's an animal, I'll cry about it later). I want to learn how to use a gun as I think it would be spiffy. Pew, pew! Pew-pew-pew!! I want to know how to use weapons incase I ever have to use them. Me, writing this, reading what I wrote...all a good enough reason not to trust me with weapons. If I was some tough bitchin' cool woman of strength and power (not some girl who knows that hiding is her best asset), I would look at weak feable me with pity and strap me in a back-pack or hide me somewhere with a rape whistle incase I'm surrounded by zombies. "Save me super me!" I wouldn't even make good back-up food for anyone in the middle of nowhere.
Maybe I need to change all this so I'm at least useful for something I kinda would like to happen to spice up my life (I'd say, knowing me, it's possible...though it sounds more like a nutjob going overboard and trapped in some fantasy world while the body atrophies...).

So, something not zombie-related...I'm leaving the city and I'm excited. Yay! Sorry, my mind is still going on about the zombies and the end of the world. If only the human population could drop by a lot, that would be kind of spiffy. I'm in the wrong generation and not to happy with living in this world. Or...I'm happy with countless things, just not coping well with being an adult I guess and realizing the world isn't the fun place it was when I was young. Grr...

Now, I really feel bad for people I write to...all the obscure nattering that never really gets my initial point across. I'm going to tend to the dishes and other kitchen stuff...then the bathroom. Maybe go for a run.