
Falling Into Insignificant Lies And Living Through Falsities...Everything Is Chaotic And Delectable Distorted Imagery... "They tend to be suspicious, bristly, paranoid-type people with huge egos they push around like some elephantiasis victim with his distended testicles in a wheelbarrow terrified no doubt that some skulking ingrate of a clone student will sneak into his very brain and steal his genius work." ~WSB

dinsdag, januari 25, 2005

Oh And...

I had a very bazaar dream this morning. I was in my room which was horribly messed up, and something was at my window, and something else was roaming in my house, but I was the only one who could see and hear these things. I don't remember what I did to make one lash out at me, but somehow I ended up with all these large lascerations all around my body. There was a really deep and long one on the lower right side of my neck. I went up stairs to get my sister to patch my neck up without my parents noticing. I headed back down to my room, grabed some belongings and went to my friend's house. He thought I did this to my self, but didn't get mad at me. I stayed with him until I woke up. My neck was feeling weird and when I went on the computer, there was knocking on the wall...same with in the kitchen. My cat heard them too so I'm not going mad. Dreams are becoming rather awkward for me...